Type Pinyin with tones
Pinyinput is an input source for macOS (and Windows) that makes it easy to type Pinyin with tone marks.
You type 'Han4yu3 Pin1yin1' and Pinyinput outputs 'Hànyǔ Pīnyīn'.
Pinyinput works at the system level, and so you can use it to type pinyin in a simple and consistent manner in any application.

The current version is compatible with macOS 10.9 and later (for the Windows version see here).
Money back guarantee
If you are unhappy with Pinyinput, we offer a 30-day, no questions asked, money back guarantee.
Want to improve your Chinese handwriting?

With Hanzi Grids you can create customised grid paper templates and worksheets for Chinese characters that you can download and print out.
Simply enter some text, adjust a few sliders to set grid size, spacing and more, and then save as PDF. All changes are previewed instantly in the browser, for quick and easy grid creation.
Hanzi Grids is from the same creator as Pinyinput.
Copyright © Imron Alston 2006-2025